Getting Started with Magento 2

Table of Content
  1. What is magento?
  2. Why choose magento?
  3. Getting started with installation.

What is magento?

Magento is a open source ready to use e-commerce framework of php, with store and admin dashboard. You don't need any coding skill to use magento, just download any existing release of magento from their official link, and start adding your customized category and product according to your need through admin dashboard. I will post more blogs on each and every options available in magento admin dashboard i future.

Why choose magento?

Since, Magento is open source and free to use more and more people adopting magento.  Magento follows OOPs concept that makes it first choice when looking for any CMS frameworks. Currently Adobe take care about development and support of magento.
                                         If you have some basic idea about MVC(modal view controller) and basic web development knowledge, then you can even customize magento theme or module as per your requirements.
                                As a web developer one can also choose magento as a carrier technology. Node, angular and react added more future security to your carrier.

Getting Started with magento2.

One thing should be noted before diving into magento development is that version of magento are varies in their folder structure (folder structure of magento 2 are entirely differ from magento 1). So be ready to adopt things in future also.

Let's get started..

First you need to download a valid copy of magento from their official link (also mentioned above) and put them into your local server's root directory (htdocs in case of xamp or www in case of wamp). Magento come up with sample data also for testing or development purpose so choose a proper file as per your choice. (i am going with magento 2.2.8 with sample data)

Now, navigate to your magento localhost directory into browser like "http://localhost/magento-228"

It will land on setup page now proceed with agree and setup magento.

It will quickly check required permissions and required php version and required php extensions, there may be a chance of getting error any one of the options ( mainly the third one due to extension). If you are facing any error in this step feel free to comment in the comment box with proper screen shot i will definitely review them and revert you with solution.
                After then click on next.

In this step magento demands data-base configuration parameters, fill them and proceed to next step.

In this step magento allow you to customize you store and admin link as per your choice.

then provide default time zone, language and currency in which you are you are comfortable.

In this step magento asks for admin dash board access parameters, provide them and proceed to next step.

After clicking install now button magento starts configuring on your local machine, it will take some time to accomplish installation purely depending on your machine's processing power, so be patience during installation.

                After successfully installation of your copy to localhost you will see a success screen along with your store and admin dashboard link along with their credentials.

Now navigate to these link one by one to store to view weather it working or not, there may be an issue of loading css file or issue in loading admin dashboard in some cases, comment in comment with your problem for more assistance in that situation.
              If all things works fine the you will see these screen for store and admin dash board..

Store view

Admin Login

Admin Dashboard

Hope you installed magento 2 on your local system properly, comment if this post help you in any way, do comment for any assistance needed in installation of magento2.
                                 In next post i will discuss the magento directory structure in details so keep visiting my blog. Thank you.


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