Empty Design configuration Issue (We couldn't find any record)

Recently while designing a new theme in magento 2 i had faced a new issue in magento theme design configuration.
                  Let me explain the issue in detail. While creating new theme in magento 2 i am unable to see theme configuration records into that table after page rendered. I am attaching a screen shot for better understanding.

usually you will see all two Luma and Blank theme entry there along with any other themes if you have made previously. But in my case magento was unable to fetch any one of them. It is rare  but happens with me i i found the solution on https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/14600   thanx to the author of this repo who shorted out my issue and save my time and effort in wondering  on web.
     The exact problem is due to magento renderer indexer, to short out this issue you need to reset and reindex the all file using below commands.

  1. magento indexer:info
  2. magento indexer:status
  3. magento indexer:reset design_config_grid
  4. magento indexer:reset
  5. magento indexer:reindex
  6. magento cache:clean
  7. magento cache:flush

Make sure you run those commands using super user permission to avoid any error. 
After running all those command you will be able to see all the available themes in theme design configuration sections.


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