
Showing posts with the label magento system requirments

Installation trouble shooting in magento 2

                                                              W hile going through installation of magento 2 one may face different types of error which may block the installation of magento 2.Here i am going to share some of the common error one may face during installation of magento 2. Magento 2 PHP &Mysql Requirements 5.6.x; (Mysql version) 5.5.x, for x>=22; (Mysql version except 5.5.22) 7.0.2 to 7.1.0, except for php 7.0.5. 7.1.3+  7.2.x (for Magento 2.3.0) Required PHP extensions: curl; gd, ImageMagick > 6.3.7; intl; mbstring; mcrypt; mhash; openssl; PDO/MySQL; SimpleXML; soap; xml; xsl; zip; json (PHP 7 only); iconv (PHP 7 only) ctype dom spl libxml bc-math (Magento 2.3 Commerce only) hash (Magento 2.3 only) azip (Magento 2.3 only) You need to fix each and every error to install magento 2. Open your php.ini file and made the following changes Find and un-comment 'always_populate_raw_post_data' also set it