
Showing posts with the label directory structure in magneto 2

Directory Structure in magento 2

Magento 2 directory structure are pretty much self explained only by it's name. If you are inside root of your magento project then you would see following directory... /app /bin /dev /generated /lib /pub /var /vendor /app In this folder, you will find following subfolders: /code It includes the Magento 2 core code (One of the locations where you can develop your custom Magento 2 code (custom modules). In some cases, you might not find the core code here. In this case, it’s placed in / vendor/magento  directory . /design This directory has  /adminhtml  and  /frontend  sub-directories which contain theme directories having  phtml, xml, JS  and  LESS files. /etc This directory contains the  di.xml  and  env.php  configuration file, the di.xml file contains class mapping and interface preferences. The env.php file contains the configuration details of your Magento 2. It also contains  config.php  whic...