Xero Developer account setup with REST API auth flow.

Hi folks, Welcome to my new blog post. Recently I was working on one of the accounting management third-party vendors named XERO with rest integration. Below is a statement about Xero from their official website. We help small businesses thrive worldwide Xero’s online accounting software connects small business owners with their numbers, their bank, and advisors anytime. Let's get started with setting up our developer account first. We need to create one account at https://developer.xero.com/ . You can start your 30 days free trial account in just minutes by providing some of the basic details. there is some capping on the number of connections and number of requests in the trial account. After signing up verify your account and set a login password, better to add 2-step authentication as well. Creating app under developer account. Once you successfully log in, you need to create your app under my apps. While creating a new app you n...